Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

Bob came home from the hospital yesterday. He is feeling much better and is very glad to be home. He is optimistic that he will be riding his Harley soon. This time he was pretty sick. His blood pressure was low and his heart rate high. They had to drain 1600 cc of fluid from his chest and I think this was the turning point, he started feeling better right away. I thought Gracie the Wonder Dog was going to burst when he walked in the door! Gracie is on her second round of allergy shots. I have to give her a little smear of peanut butter in a dish and while she is chasing it around the floor I stick her with the needle full of medicine. She never even flinches, oh the power of peanut butter!

I am still not able to insert pictures where I want them on this thing. I just tried to get the picture above to insert HERE and no matter what I do it ends up on top. If I try to put another one in it will end up under the first one. It is a bit frustrating.

I am praying for some kind of decent weather for the Memorial Day holiday. I NEED to get my garden in. I usually have the lettuce planted by now but it has been to wet to play in the dirt. I am planting tomatoes, beets, lettuce, beans, onions and peppers this year. If you see a dazed blonde wondering aimlessly around Van Thoms' garden center this weekend stop and say Hi, I will need the distraction! :D The rest of the yard just needs a little weeding. I have two lavender plants that have grown more than I thought so I am taking them out. I am planting a few more hostas and looking for some kind of perennial border plants but that's it for this year. I don't want to spend every weekend in the yard this short short summer.

Have a safe and fun Memorial Day!

Monday, May 16, 2011

More Bob News

Bob is doing much better this week. His pneumonia is clearing up and his heart rate is a little more stable. His blood pressure is back up to normal, well normal for him. He tends to run a little low. He is being transferred out ICU step down today and onto a monitored floor (regular room w/ heart monitors). He has been up and walking and eats like a little pig. He really appreciates everyone's kind thoughts, funny comments and prayers.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bob Update

Bob is in the hospital (St. John Macomb) with pneumonia. He is in ICU step down which I call ICU Jr. He is on oxygen and a heart monitor. He was doing fine the past few weeks and even started working out a little bit at the gym. Sunday night he had a slight fever and Monday he just didn't feel well. He had a doctor appointment Tuesday and his doctor sent him to the hospital from his office. All of his other health issues complicate his care so it takes longer for him to get better. He will be in the hospital for at least a week this time. I will let you all know of any changes. Thanks in advance for all the kind wishes and prayers. We really appreciate them.

Friday, May 6, 2011

When I grow up!

When I grow up I want to be just like my little niece! She came out of her room dressed to impress and said "Mama, I am going to Nordstrom!" I call her a spunky monkey but she really is a bundle of joy!

I had a busy week and it looks like the weekend will be more of the same. The speaker on my iPhone blew out so on top of everything else, I have to run out to the Apple store and get a new phone. They will replace it for free but it is a huge hassle and not very close to my house. My sciatica came back (out of the clear blue sky) and driving is one of the activities that makes it worse. I have to drive about 20 miles to get my hair colored and then a few errands, home and back out another 10-15 miles for my great-niece's 5th birthday party.

Everyone keeps walking in the office telling me how nice it is outside so I am done! I need to get out in the sunshine before it goes away! Have a Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Typical Weekend

This was a typical weekend. Saturday we left the house early and went, god save me, car shopping. My lease is up in June. The Bobster has been looking at a new car for me for over a year! This makes me crazy so I tell him I will not look at cars until the month before my lease is up. He also likes to go to the Auto Show every January to start picking out my next car, even the year I just got one. See the crazy. I won't go with him until the year my lease is up. Anyway, he narrowed the selection down to a Volvo S60, a Hyundai Sonata and recently added a Volkswagen CC. I like the Volvo and the Volkswagen so he is going to take it from there. I am still not sure what I will be driving for the next 3 years.

After all that fun we had to stop at the Harley dealer. He needed some kind of wind blocking sunglasses... more fun. We came home, let the dog out, changed clothes and went to Longhorn for dinner which is funny since neither of us ate steak.

So today: Since I got up at O dark thirty (6:30) I have paid bills, cleaned the kitchen, done 2 loads of laundry, made pancakes, posted this and surfed the net a bit. It is only 8:45. The Bobster is still in bed. For the rest of the day I will go grocery shopping (UGH), make dinner, finish my laundry and get my clothes and lunches ready for the week.

This is a typical weekend. I run, run run. Clean, cook, laundry. I just don't seem to have the time or the energy to do errands during the week. Now that it is warming up I need to start working on my garden, if the weather would only cooperate. My week will look something like: cake decorating class tomorrow night, work out Tuesday, doctor appointment Wednesday, hair cut Thursday, hair color (long story) Saturday and 5 year-old birthday party Saturday, oh and Mother's Day Sunday..all after working all week.

I think I need a wife! The Bobster doesn't work, but he also doesn't cook and believe me when I say, I don't want him to. He cleans and I have learned to let most of what he does and how he does it go but I still end up doing the things he JUST DOESN'T NOTICE! There are some things that just aren't on his radar.

So the point today? Hmmm I guess I can use some time management hints! :D