Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Short Week Wanderings (or is it Wonderings?)

It was nice to be off Monday. The Bobster and I went to the auto show. I told him I will only go the year my car lease is up so I get a 2 year reprieve....and this is the year. He loves to look and look and look some more while I can breeze through, stop at about 4 cars and call it a day. It never fails to be the coldest day of the year when we do go. Walking around downtown in 12 degrees is right up there with dental work on my list of things I never want to do again.

So, guess what? I am going to Seattle! :D I sent my mom out last week and she has called me every day to tell me how much I will love it, and how cold I will be! Did you see the 12 degrees in the first paragraph? Really! I am not sure what she means. It is in the 40's and 50's there this week. Yes, it rains but I don't think cold rain can compare to snow and freezing wind. For some strange reason my mom and brother must think I don't know how to dress my self now that I am over 50! I am cracking myself up over this.

I haven't come up with any more spare time since last time I blogged and my to-do list has gone from snickering at me to actually growling. I tried shoving it under the bed but the dust bunny colony has had a population explosion so there wasn't any room.

Santa Bob gave me a new Kindle for Christmas and I got the cutest cover for it from Last Christmas my sister got a new Kindle so sent me her old one (thanks toots!) but I wasn't sure I would use it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE books..the smell, the feel of the paper, the weight in my hands.. My love affair with books started when I was about 11 and read my first Cherry Ames, Student Nurse book and hasn't cooled down since so I was pretty sure I would only use the Kindle occasionally. Big girl that I am, I admit it, MAN WAS I WRONG. Damn Kindle! The new one is even easier and lighter than the old. It is so easy to download books even my mom can do it. Hardcover books are only $9.99 - 12.99 and I can get them any time I waiting on line at the library. I love it when people ask me "hey, is that one of those book things?"

I wish someone could show me how to insert pictures! I don't seem to have the knack for it yet. I am going to sit down with my little brother this week and get an inservice on my camera, Mac and this dang blog! See you in two weeks!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Finally Friday

I finally got a new camera! Now I just have to figure it all out. I love taking pictures and have a ton of old pics in plastic containers in the basement. A few people have told me to scan them into the computer and save them on disks or something so here's my thoughts on that.

In just the past 10 years think about all the changes in computers and technology. If I save my pictures on Cd's today will I (or descendants) be able to view them in 10, 20, 30 years? Will Cd's be obsolete? Will the technology be so advanced that we won't be using Cd's ? How about your wedding video for the VCR? So the pictures are staying in the tubs. I may take out some of the very old ones I have of my grandparents/ family that I don't want to lose and save them. I am open to suggestions on how.

Since this is the time of year where everyone tries to start fresh I have been thinking of my time-management issues. I work, don't have kids and should have some spare time somewhere...I DON'T. I work out on Mon., Tues., and Thurs. evening after work. I usually run errands like grocery shopping on Saturday and then I cook on Sunday; a big dinner so we have leftovers and something else for the week. I try to plan my meals for a few days and prep items I will use for lunch. I also do my laundry. The Bobster does his own laundry and keeps the house mostly clean (that could be a whole new blog). So where does my time go? I have quite a long list of things I want/need to get done at home. It has been sitting on my desk and every once in awhile I hear it snicker at me.

The Bobster wants to move to Texas. I understand his hatred of winter but I am not sure about moving. Thinking about selling the house makes me hyperventilate and the man has something like 6 doctors he sees regularly...and what I mean by regularly, at least one doctor appointment a week sometimes two or three! So we settled on discussing it seriously a year from June :D Not sure how I came up with that time frame but I think it has to do with him turning 65 next year in April.

I am heading to Seattle to see the little brother and his family. I am so excited to see them I can barely stand it. I will post pictures and more after I get back...oh and someone please save me, the Bobster is dragging me to the Auto Show Sunday! help ...please...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 2011!

I wish you all a happy, health and prosperous 2011 and I am very happy to say "f-off 2010!" It was not a year I will look back on with any kind of fondness. The Bobster was in the hospital 5 times this past year and I injured my back. I like to think I deal well with stress but sometimes it just gets to be too much so I am very thankful for my mom, sister and the rest of my family who help when called. Aunt Rosalie is a godsend and my friends keep me sane by letting me dump on them and making sure my alcohol levels are maintained at a healthy level :D

We did have a nice little ray of sunshine at the end of the year when the Bobster's VA benefits finally materialized after a long 4 year appeal. Not only does he now get a monthly check, they gave us a settlement that helped pay off all the little dangling medical bills we had. Whew.

My wish for 2011 is that Bob stays as healthy as he is now and we get to go on a vacation. He hasn't been up to any travel lately but he is feeling much more "normal" so we are going to plan a trip to Florida for the spring, fingers crossed.

Just as a little FYI... I finally bought a new camera! I am pretty excited to be able to take pictures with something other than my iPhone. I want to learn to edit them a bit and may take a photography class. Speaking of classes, I am going to take Cake Decorating 101. If you know me at all you know I am not the most patient person so trying to decorate a cake or cupcakes makes me nuts. I figure if I take a class it might help...maybe not...but I have always been optimistic!

I know 2011 is going to be a good year for all of us.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Gracie the Wonder Dog

She snorts and she itches
the cats wish her dead

She's stinky and smelly
but she doesn't shed

She's fluffy and soft
but has venison breath

She is our Gracie
we love her to death!