Bike man! I am not sure what in the world made him get a bike..well actually I do know. He has wanted one forever but wouldn't spend the money. This Sportser came from a friend's dad. The man died and the son sold the bike, at a great bargain. Low miles and all that...
Motorcycles never bothered me until I worked in a trauma center/ emergency room for about 4 years and saw all the damage they can do. Even if you are a great rider, you can't control everyone else on the road ...bike vs. car, bike always loses. With the Bobster being as sick as he has been I really didn't think he had it in him but there ya go. What do I know? He is out enjoying it and it makes him happy.
I have been in the blahs. Nothing good on TV, bored with what I am reading, slow at work. The weather finally turned nice and I sit in an office so maybe that is my problem. For some reason (and please let's hope I am not jinxing myself) I am bored. I am meeting my sis in New York next weekend for a few days away. Let's hope that banishes the blahs.
So what are you doing for the long holiday weekend? I am going to see Transformers!!! Wooohooo!!! I love this movie franchise. My mom too. We are going early Saturday morning to beat the crowd. Can't wait. I am also having brother #2 and his wife over Monday for a mini-BBQ. I call it mini since we usually have a crowd but this year it looks like just them and my mom and aunt.
Have a great 4th of July and stay safe!