I am on vacation in Seattle. The same Seattle that has record snow and an ice storm. A state of emergency has just been declared because the entire city and surrounding areas are covered in inches of snow and topped with about a 1/2 inch of ice. Those of you from northern climes know that this means no one is getting out. They actually are asking everyone to stay home. Seattle is all hills. Cars and buses can't really get around and tend to slide, a lot, downhill.
Believe it or not this has been a very relaxing vacation. My sis-in-law Stefanie and I had grand plans for this week.. shopping, walking to Starbucks for breakfast coffee, taking the bus downtown for..um... more shopping. All the girl stuff she has missed since moving here. The weather and school closing has made that pretty much impossible but I find that this really isn't bad news. I have been running non-stop for 3 months and this forced relaxation is just what I needed. At home I would have too much to do to just lay on the couch and read. Plus there is the loving factor. Lola and Nolan have been giving me tons o' love!! I get hugs and kisses all day. I get to play princess and read chapter books..ahhh.
It may not be the vacation I planned but I really think it's the vacation I needed. Of course heading to the Keys in April won't hurt!
Stay warm!!