I had a laser treatment this week on my face. Since my skin is so fair I have had a ton of sun damage... you know there was no such thing as SPF 30 when I was a kid..anyway, sun damage caused broken capillaries especially around my nose. V-Beam laser was designed to treat these and lucky me, they have this laser at work! I had the treatment Wednesday and ended up with a slightly puffy face afterwards. When I woke up Thursday I looked like a chipmunk! My face is swollen, especially around my cheeks!
I started this post Friday and thought I was going to finish it that night but here it is Monday and I am just getting back to it. My cheeks have gone down but they are still a bit puffy. I hope it all goes away by Easter!
I am on week 3 of Weight Watchers. The first week I thought I only lost 1 pound but I weighed in later and it was 2. This week I am down 1.5 lbs. Only 11 more to go but at this rate it will be July before I get there. WW is a TON of work. I think about food all day! I do ok with meals but it's the snacks that I am having a hard time with. I like salty crunchy but I am getting pretty sick of popcorn. My other issue is I don't eat "diet"anything. I have never had a diet soda. When Bob had his heart surgery we cut back on processed foods and I still have a hard time buying anything in a can. A lot of the foods that are low in points are processed. Everyone tells me it will get easier. I sure hope so because before you know it, I will have long ears and a tail! Speaking of ... have a Happy Easter!