Friday, March 30, 2012

My aching face!

I had a laser treatment this week on my face. Since my skin is so fair I have had a ton of sun damage... you know there was no such thing as SPF 30 when I was a kid..anyway, sun damage caused broken capillaries especially around my nose. V-Beam laser was designed to treat these and lucky me, they have this laser at work! I had the treatment Wednesday and ended up with a slightly puffy face afterwards. When I woke up Thursday I looked like a chipmunk! My face is swollen, especially around my cheeks!

I started this post Friday and thought I was going to finish it that night but here it is Monday and I am just getting back to it. My cheeks have gone down but they are still a bit puffy. I hope it all goes away by Easter!

I am on week 3 of Weight Watchers. The first week I thought I only lost 1 pound but I weighed in later and it was 2. This week I am down 1.5 lbs. Only 11 more to go but at this rate it will be July before I get there. WW is a TON of work. I think about food all day! I do ok with meals but it's the snacks that I am having a hard time with. I like salty crunchy but I am getting pretty sick of popcorn. My other issue is I don't eat "diet"anything. I have never had a diet soda. When Bob had his heart surgery we cut back on processed foods and I still have a hard time buying anything in a can. A lot of the foods that are low in points are processed. Everyone tells me it will get easier. I sure hope so because before you know it, I will have long ears and a tail! Speaking of ... have a Happy Easter!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I finally did it!

I joined Weight Watchers! Ok, stop it. I know I am not fat but I gained about 4 lbs since Bob died and add that to the extra I was already carrying, I am uncomfortable and my pants don't snap. The more Bob was in the hospital the less I cooked. It was much easier to pick something up. Since I don't eat hamburgers or french fries I thought I was doing ok. After he died I pretty much quit cooking. Again, easier to run to Nino's and get prepared foods to heat up and salads at Panera Bread. I need to get back on track and eating a bit more healthy.

I have never dieted in my life. I haven't had to ever watch what I eat. I am 5'7" and in my 30's I weighed about 135, in my 40's 145. I am in my 50's so you can see where this it heading... I have a goal and when I reach that goal I am buying myself an iPad. Of course the iPad 4 may be out by then but it's still a goal.

So, Weight Watchers is a lot of work! I think about what I am going to eat ALL DAY! I have to log my points and check my points for every freaking thing I put in my mouth. I am told it will get easier once I have my frequent foods logged and I get used to the point thing. I figure the secret it fiber. That and water keep me running all day :D

I am still plowing through the Dana Stabenow series. I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoy these books. I am on the 14th in the series and I started the 1st February 13. Can you tell I don't watch TV? 14 books in about 6 weeks! That's a lot even for me.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Time change blah...

I don't know about you but I am tired! This time change thing just wears me out and takes about a week for me to get adjusted. My body thinks it is still 4:30 am when I get up at 5:30! Not my favorite time of year.

So, I am joining Weight Watchers on-line program. I have a 10lb goal and I am just too damn lazy to do anything about it. My brother and 2 sisters in law participate in WW and see great results. My boss lost 30 lbs (but she eats carrots all day) and another person at work lost about 50. Since the hubby pasted away I haven't really been cooking. It is easier for me to just grab something to go and as you know, to-go usually means junk! I am hoping that with a little of the discipline I have been laking I will meet my goal soon.

I started the Pilates class and promptly dropped out! I went to two. The class was advertised for mixed levels but ended up being for advanced level students and the instructor wasn't that great and making sure the classed worked for beginning and intermediate too. The good news is, I just found out you can get exercise classes On Demand! Comcast has a bunch of free classes so I am going to try out a few this weekend. The other good news is I can now walk outside. Gracie the Wonder Dog loves the mile long walks we have been taking all week!

Oh and I am still stuck on the Dana Stabenow books!! Oh my god she killed someone off and I about died! I am on the 11th book and have 8 more to go. Seriously, I can't read anything else. I just have to know what happens next!

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just what I needed!

I lay on the table in a warm dark room. He wraps me in warm blankets and tucks pillows under my knees and arms. The music is low and some kind of natural chirping birds and gurgling streams. He always thanks me for remembering him, in his heavy Chinese accent, and then sticks needles in my face, head, neck, arms and legs! In the winter, I get acupuncture for my sinuses and lately for my back too. The first time I went I asked him, "what if I don't believe in acupuncture". He told me "that's ok, it works anyway". He was right. This time of year my sinuses protest, loudly and painfully! I wake up with a headache in the middle of my face and can feel the gunk draining as I sit up. Don't know how it works but my head feels better after only one session. After a couple I am back to normal. Hey don't laugh, I can do normal if I really try!