Monday, November 29, 2010
Post Turkey Day
I needed a new computer. I had an ancient Gateway that my brother kept running, barely, and it was time to put that poor thing out of it's misery. I had a very hard time deciding but ended up buying a Mac Pro last weekend. Since Apple NEVER puts their products on sale, I ended up going to Best Buy and got a $125 gift card and $40 credit on my Best Buy rewards card.
I am soooo happy with my new toy!! It is the best thing in the world to sit on the couch and play with my computer and not have to sit in my office. I look up recipes and don't have to print them...I just use the laptop on the kitchen counter. I am a bit of a messy cook so this may not be the best idea but still :D Yeah Wireless!!!
Oh, an author I like writes a blog at She has been writing the funniest story about the squirrels and birds in her backyard. It sounds like she has a wild animal battle field going on back there.
I will post pictures from my goofy family Thanksgiving later in the week.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happy Friday

I miss my spunky little monkey! Her new hair cut is too cute. She wanted it as short as her brothers but I can't see her parents shaving her head! My mom and sister and I are going to descend on them like locust the end of January. I hear the weather will be a bit rainy but we really aren't going for the weather. I CAN'T WAIT!
So, Bob is better. He got out of the hospital last Friday and has had a quiet week. He started putting up the Christmas lights while the weather is mild and has been looking for things for Jim to do at our house. Jim and Jeff are working on shoring up my roof. It is sagging in the middle. I can't explain how worried I have been about my roof caving in during the next big snow. Bob and Jim have been telling me for about 4 years, "it's fine. That roof will last for years." Somehow I am not convinced. Jim also took out the old wrought iron posts/supports on my porch and put in new wood columns. It looks great and I will post pictures sooner or later. My camera is not working. I guess I should tell Santa :D
Speaking of posting.. I am finally getting a new laptop. I have been debating about PC vs Mac and had a Toshiba all picked out but 2 of my brothers have been telling me how much they LOVE their Mac's. I have sort of been craving one but thought them pricey. They convinced me of the value and I am going to get it this weekend. I am pretty excited!!! (you can tell by the multiple exclamation points).
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Eat whatever you want and enjoy!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Bobster's latest
He was in the ER almost 24 hours along with 27 other poor souls waiting for beds in the hospital. I think he should just have his own room reserved him so I can just drop him at the door and tell them to take him to his room!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Only in Michigan?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Uh oh