I think this must be an only in Michigan kind of menu. We go to Apple Annie's about once a week. They have homestyle food, well homestyle if your mother is an old Polish woman who can cook! Mine is not. :D Bob loves their pot roast, meatloaf and fish and chips and I love that Bob eats that stuff there so I don't have to make it! Last week our bill was about $15. I am pretty sure we have never spent $20 there at one time.
I am in holiday mood...not so good. What is it about the holidays? When I was younger we had most if not all the holidays at one grandparents house or the other. When I was older and got married I lived out of state for many years. Now my sister and one brother live out of state so my entire family is rarely together. I feel the need for a tradition that is lost. Do I just have crazy expectations? Sigh...I could go on and on with the reasons why this has happened but hey, that would just make me maudlin. Every year I am off for about 11 days over the Christmas break and lately I have been telling the Bobster, "screw Christmas, let's go out of town." To which he replies, "you HATE airports on the holidays and swore you wouldn't fly over Christmas break EVER AGAIN". So true, dammit.
I am trying to figure out what to take to the Thanksgiving dinner we are attending. I have a few ideas, one being a nice cheesecake. The problem with cheesecake is I don't really eat it. Everyone else seems to love it though so maybe I will dig out my recipes.
So what are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?
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