3 more days! I am close to being ready, Not! The Bobster broke his little toe. He was walking into the kitchen and banged it on the doorframe. Walked around for almost a week with it swollen and bruised before he finally decided to get it looked at and of course it is broken. So right at the busiest time of the year when I need his help with errands and chores (and really, isn't it all about me?) he is supposed to stay off his foot, elevate and ice it. Poor thing, it's always something with him.
My sister finally made it in from Dallas Sunday night. It was touch and go, literally. Their plane took off and the landing gear wouldn't retract so about 1/2 hour into the flight they turned around and went back to Dallas. Had to wait for another plane so by the time they got in it was 2:00 am. I am super happy that they are here for the holiday, so much so that I ordered snow just for them, and hey, what do you know, it got here just in time!
This picture is with a cell phone, have I mentioned that I need a camera? We went to Chuckie Cheese for our great-nephew, Robert Jasper's, first birthday. First let me say, I will NEVER go to Chuckie Cheese again and you can't make me! I am not sure I can describe the chaos and confusion accurately so just picture a thousand screaming, germy little rug rats running amuck!
I wish you all a very happy holiday season! Stay safe and warm and enjoy yourself!
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