How was your 4th weekend? We went to see Transformers Saturday morning at 10:00 am. Surprisingly it was crowded and there was a long line waiting for the next movie when we got out! In case you didn't know, I love Bumblebee! The theater is at a very nice outdoor mall so went to lunch and walked around a bit, but it was 97 out! My mom and I wilted like warm lettuce but the Bobster was in his toasty glory. That man loves hot weather. Thank god there were a bunch of stores to keep me cool!
Hmmm .... I wonder where I am going this weekend? :D Yep, off to the Big Apple to do a little shopping, a little drinking, a little site seeing, a bit of eating, some more drinking, and to see Wicked on Broadway! My sis has to be there for work next week so we decided to meet up Friday night and be touristas for the weekend. Wish me luck. New York always feels like too much, too many. I am sure after a few adult beverages I won't even notice.
On a sad note; I may have to put one of my cats down. She is 15 and seems to be miserable. She is using the whole house as her litter box and throwing up more than usual. We have had her to the vet twice and have been told both times, "she is fine". Really? Really? I think she is in pain. The Bobster is going back and forth on spending more money to see if there is more that can be done or agreeing with me. He is much more attached to her than I am. It's not easy but I told him to make a decision by the time I get back next week.
I hope to get some good pictures this weekend so check back next week to see.
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