I love that word! I haven't been gobsmacked this week...I just wanted to use the word. After all the excitement of Bob's last hospital stay, this week has been pretty quiet. No, we didn't get to go on vacation but we are planning for the end of September (fingers crossed XX). No big plans for the Labor Day holiday. We are going to my cousin's for a BBQ on Sunday (hi Jill). It was planned for Monday but there was a scheduling conflict, too many parties!
So the hotdog was my dinner last night. I didn't have anything else. I try to eat "right" and exercise and every once in awhile I have a donut or something like a hot dog but overall I don't eat a lot of junk. So why can't I lose weight? I am 5'7" and weigh around 156. Most of you won't think that is too bad but it is the most I have ever weighed...you got that, right? EVER. I wear a size 12 and that is getting freaking tight. Not being what most people consider fat, I have never been on a diet but I did come to the conclusion that my metabolism died and I have no idea how to jump start it again. My sis-in-law and one of my brother's started running 5ks and 1/2 marathons and lost weight and look fantastic. I am very motivated by their success but I can't run...ha ha..some days I can barely walk. Suggestions?
Sitting around the hospital for a week at time has one benefit, I have been reading like a fiend. The downside to that is I am getting a bit bored. I have a large TBR pile but nothing looks good right now. I think I have book burnout. I guess I need to do something else for awhile but I don't really watch TV and some nights I am too tired to do anything but lay like a lump on the couch. What are you reading? Have you read anything you absolutely LOVE lately?
Have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend!
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