Saturday, December 31, 2011

Final farewell to 2011

After all the crap I went through in 2011 I can honestly say it was the worst year of my life. I am very happy to be done with it and get on to 2012, Mayan calendar and all :D

I don't make resolutions on New Year's Eve but I do try to make reachable goals. I don't even remember last year's goals that's how crazy my year was. This year I am taking my diet and exercise in hand. I work out with a trainer once a week for a very long and grueling hour and I try to get to the gym 2 more times. I say TRY but I really don't. It's cold and wet and dark and I am tired. My foot hurts my back hurts my dog needs to be let out... These are my perceived hurdles but really, I just don't feel like it! So, I am looking for ways to motivate myself.

My second goal is to get my basement cleaned out. For those of us in Michigan a basement can be a godsend and/or a curse. We stash everything in the basement and forget about it. Top that with a husband who never got rid of anything, ever, and you see my problem. I gave away the old treadmill and have been slowly taking things to the Salvation Army. I still have a long way to go. I plan on having a few very large garage sales as soon as the weather turns warmer do I need to get my butt in gear!

I see 2012 as the perfect year to start over. For the first time in a long time I have plans. I hope to detail those plans here over the next months so stay tuned!

I wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monday... ha ha...oops... Tuesday

Four days off and I am back to work...kind of. I am here for about 6 hours a day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. My company gives Fri/Mon off on the Christmas and New Year's weekends. This is the first time in about 10 years that I have worked the days in-between. I am heading to Seattle (Hi Stefanie) in 2 weeks and didn't want to take the vacation days needed. No one here, I am just files, posting blogs...

So I seem to have survived my first Christmas without the hubby. I kept very busy and cried when I needed to, which wasn't that often. I am getting sick to death of this though. I think I have been doing very well and BAM all of a sudden something weird hits me and I start bawling! Yesterday it was cleaning house. I know, weird right? When we had people over I did the shopping and cooking and Bob cleaned the house. I had my brother and his family over and had to clean everything myself! I guess that is enough to make anyone cry. :D

I got a lot done over the time off and hope to get more done this coming long weekend.. Next up, an overhaul of my diet and exercise regime. Wish me luck I am honestly going to need it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

So this is Christmas

Bah Humbug! As much as I try I just can't seem to get into the "spirit" this year! Yes, I know, my husband died... it will get better...blah blah... I don't think it will ever be the same for more reasons then that. My immediate family is all spread out, Mom and Sis in Dallas, brother and family in Seattle leaves 2 brothers. We used to have a big crowd and now we are down to a few. The weather doesn't help this year...warmish for December, overcast and rainy. Not really Christmas type of weather. I am not depressed... I just don't feel like being freaking JOLLY!! How about you?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Baaack!

Wow, I haven't blogged in ages! I didn't really have anything to say....which I am sure most of you don't believe! I have been trying to get into Christmas a little bit. It's not working. As you may know from previous posts, this is not my favorite holiday to begin with. Without Bob here it just seems pointless this year. I am sure I will get more into the spirit in the next few years, but maybe not. What I would really like to do it travel for the holidays but, and that's a really big but... I hate the actual travel during this time of year. Crazy people, screaming kids, bad weather delays... bleck!

This year I am heading to my niece and her husband's for Christmas eve, volunteering Christmas morning and then my brother's for Christmas dinner. Then the next day I am having another brother and his crew for dinner! Still trying to decide what I want to do for New Year's but it looks like the jury is in and I will survive the holidays this year! How about you?