Bah Humbug! As much as I try I just can't seem to get into the "spirit" this year! Yes, I know, my husband died... it will get better...blah blah... I don't think it will ever be the same for more reasons then that. My immediate family is all spread out, Mom and Sis in Dallas, brother and family in Seattle leaves 2 brothers. We used to have a big crowd and now we are down to a few. The weather doesn't help this year...warmish for December, overcast and rainy. Not really Christmas type of weather. I am not depressed... I just don't feel like being freaking JOLLY!! How about you?
Im jolly,busy time of the year !! But i cant wait til Christmas. I hope to see you ! I know Holidays can be rough.. Wish this wasnt so. Try to hold on to fond memories !! Like me and you when we were little and spending time at grandmas house..stealing cookies on the steps..Spending the night..PLaying upstairs..Fun times!! Christmas was so fun over there. Playing at the bar downstairs.. I miss them! Im missing you too ,hope to see ya soon ! Love ME xooxoxxoxoxooxooxo