I won a copy of "Riveted" by Meljean Brook a few weeks ago. I read it last week and I have to say I totally enjoyed this book. It's the 3rd in her Iron Seas series and I think the best of the bunch. It is a great steampunk adventure with a wonderful romance.. or great steampunk romance with a wonderful adventure. The characters were strong yet vulnerable. I cried! I am not much of a reviewer so below is what RT Bookreview magazine said,
"In between the fantastic elements and fabulous action, Brook also weaves in themes of the dangers of prejudice and judgment. And when it comes to heroes, there’s no one more thoughtful or noble than David! A rip-roaring and wonderful addition to Brook’s amazing Iron Seas series.”
—RT BookReviews 4½! - Top Pick
- In the past week I have been at the receiving end of this comment, not once, not twice but three times. "Colleen, I know a guy...." I guess my time as a single person has officially begun! UGH! I haven't dated in 30 YEARS and I am not that excited about the prospect. The only thing that gives me hope is my closest friend didn't date for almost as long and in her first foray into on-line dating she immediately met her current boyfriend, a super nice guy, and they seem to be going strong. I may change the focus of my blog to dating after 50! Should be verrrrry interesting.
- The house behind me finally sold, after being on the market for over 6-months, and someone cleaned up the entire yard. They dug out almost all of the old overgrown plants and trimmed back all the trees and bushes. Sitting on my patio I noticed all of the weeds I thought were theirs...nope, mine, so I had to do some weeding and now I am anxious to get my yard cleaned up. I feel like I have been watering potted plants and tomatoes for months...hey, I guess I have. I am pretty tired of it and want to start pulling everything out.
bowchickawowwow! go for it girl! you know I would say so much more, but this is a PG page!! I double dog dare ya to go on a date! I can give ya pointers! trust me, i was S C A R E D to go at first, but then it ended up being fun. It was either a good to great time or a hysterical story to share with friends! xooxox