Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Baaack!

Wow, I haven't blogged in ages! I didn't really have anything to say....which I am sure most of you don't believe! I have been trying to get into Christmas a little bit. It's not working. As you may know from previous posts, this is not my favorite holiday to begin with. Without Bob here it just seems pointless this year. I am sure I will get more into the spirit in the next few years, but maybe not. What I would really like to do it travel for the holidays but, and that's a really big but... I hate the actual travel during this time of year. Crazy people, screaming kids, bad weather delays... bleck!

This year I am heading to my niece and her husband's for Christmas eve, volunteering Christmas morning and then my brother's for Christmas dinner. Then the next day I am having another brother and his crew for dinner! Still trying to decide what I want to do for New Year's but it looks like the jury is in and I will survive the holidays this year! How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Every day will be different. I'm glad that you are blogging again. What ever it is that you decide to do will be just fine. No body judges you or your choices. Do try to find what it is that makes you smile and let your mind dwell there for just a moment. Living one moment at a time. Blessings.
