Friday, May 31, 2013

Hanging in there! Week three of the "lifestyle" change.

Finishing up week three of the diet from hell...or as my sister loves to remind me, my new lifestyle. The first two weeks were very hard. No sugar and no carbs means no life. Cutting sugar was the hardest thing I have done in a long time. It was like when I quit smoking but I almost think it was more difficult. I didn't want to smoke any more. I really want sugar!  This week I added back on carb and one serving of fruit. I feel better!  The total weight loss for the first two weeks was 4 lbs. If I can lose one lb a week from here on out I will hit my goal in ...oh....5 years!ha ha  If I actually do lose one pound a week I will hit my goal in August.

I spent the rainy Memorial Day at a barbeque with old friends. A few years ago  it was all adults and now there were a bunch of little munchkins running around. We ate great food, drank good wine and had a wonderful time.

If the promised rain shows up tomorrow I plan on working inside the house. I have spent the last few weekends outside planting and digging and weeding.  If I ever expect to sell my house I think I need to tackle the dark hole that is my basement.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

This week

It's been a busy week. Bitsy, my cat, has been throwing up for a few weeks. So far it has been $300 at the vet to figure it out. She is 12 years old and has always been small but she only weighs 6 lbs right now. We are trying various things to get her to stop but while the amount and frequency has gotten better, she is still throwing up.

My mom was supposed to have gallbladder surgery today but the surgery schedule got messed up and now she isn't having it until next Thursday. Poor thing was already to have the surgery and now has to psyche herself up again next week.  Next week works better for me but I already moved my schedule for this week around. Now I move it back and adjust next week because, hey, it's all about me!

So the diet from hell.... I have 4 more days of Phase 1 (no sugar, no carbs).  I am not sure it's working. I have not cheated..well I did have a few Hersey's kisses... but I have been eating veggies and meat and cheese and eggs in various ways for 10 days. I thought no sugar no wheat, carbs whatever was supposed to make you feel good. Not so much.  I will weigh myself Sunday and  can start adding "healthy" carbs back in to my diet Monday.  The other thing is not eating sugar and carbs is supposed to "cure" you of the cravings. Again, not so much. I would kill for a Starbucks Chai!

 I am off for a four day weekend with no plans!  I am going to try to go see Iron Man and I do have gardening to do but I like being able to just do whatever I want and go with the flow for four days.

Have a safe and Happy Memorial Day!

Monday, May 13, 2013

No looking back.

I started a diet today. First time ever. Over the past 18 months I gained five pounds which is understandable since I was going through some tough crap but add that to the five or so extra pounds I was already carrying and I was feeling a bit voluptuous. I knew I was getting heavier but my clothes still fit so hey, whatever....until I saw this picture!  Where the hell did that padding around the middle come from?  

The South Beach diet has three phases that all seemed reasonable to me. Phase 1 consists of two weeks of no carbs; just protein and veggies with no sugar at all. This phase is to help get over the cravings. Phase 2 is adding foods back and Phase 3 is maintenance. I thought about Weight Watchers but all that keeping track of everything little thing would make me crazy.

Phase 1 is going to be difficult for me because I always like something sweet after I eat. Even if it's only one piece of chocolate or one cookie, eating without sweets will be tough.

I had to seriously prepare myself for this. I made lists, bought cookbooks, threw out food and asked the pizza neighbor to stop bringing me pizza every week. I eased up on the sugar in my morning tea and...sigh....gave up my  I am as ready as I will ever be.

So that's it. I have a 10 pound goal.  I am back to gym starting Wednesday and I will post my progress here every week.  Wish me luck!